Using A Proper Finance Dissertation Format: Good Advice

Every student knows that writing a dissertation is not only difficult and challenging, it is also the most critical piece of paper you will create during an entire academic career. One of the factors that are said to make finance dissertations one of the hardest to write out of all subjects is that it is hard to captivate an audience with the use of numbers. The point of your paper is to have the reader interested in continuing through to the end - to find out all the secrets that your article has to offer. In order to be successful when writing a finance dissertation, one main key point you need to keep in mind is finding the proper correlation between the numbers that need to be included, and other information and word choices.

Trying to keep the interest of your readers while ensuring that the paper is also factual and accurate is one of the factors that make dissertations on this topic so difficult. Using the proper format for your writing will help you to stay on track, and help you to be certain that everything is as it should be. Although a professor may deviate from the accepted standard format at their own discretion, here are some general guidelines that you will want to adhere to when it comes time to start your paper:

  • Introduction/ Objectives and aims: In this section you will want to make your thesis statement clear, outline your key areas, and identify your motives.
  • Literature review: List the relevant included literature, give your interpretation of current literature, and analyze and logically synthesize the opinions of others.
  • Methodology: Complete a discussion of your program for research, and give the reader an overview of your model for research. Review current methods that are being used for research, state any limitations you expect to encounter, and discuss variables, data, and samples. Never forget that less is always more when it comes to finance.
  • Empirical results/ Results discussion: Use neat graphs and tables for descriptive statistics, present all of the survey results. Don't just count on the presentation to make your case--discuss all of the results as well.
  • Conclusion/ Future research/ Limitations: Readdress the statements that were made in the introduction. Evaluate how effective you believe that the study was and talk about any limitations that you had to work with and around.

You should also include a list of recommendations for future scholars to continue on with the research you have begun.
